Peace family

I have received many calls with questions of what to do and feelings of unrest and fear are strong as well. The messages i have received are simple...

We have been told that there will be many changes and natural disasters on earth.

We must prepare for the worst, gather and store food, water, plastic sheeting, gas masks, first aid kits, herbs, etc....

Have an evacuation plan, if you are in the city have a designated area where your family will meet in case of disaster, this is the place with a large basement where your items are stored and can hold 10 people if necessary.

Exercise, fast, pray....this will keep your spirit strong and open you up to receive the messages, guidance and clarity you need right now.

Other tips.....Save money, buy land, don't be frivilous, buy gold or silver, learn about solar power, get water purifier, move out of the city to a more rural area, work together with like minds,

Most of all you must not live with fear, doubt, worry, sadness, etc....THESE EMOTIONS WILL BLOCK YOUR BLESSINGS, CLOUD YOUR MIND AND MAKE YOUR HEART HEAVY. Meditate, breathe and know that all is in Divine Order.....

ManiMfumu Michael
This is a time of the year to be still and go within.  Our Ancestors were strong because they were in tune with nature and used natural patterns as a guide for how to live and plan activities.  So while it is cold and much of the animals and plants are hibernating we use that as an example to be quiet, rest ourselves and prepare for the next cycle. 
Try this exercise shared by Carole Shola Arewa and let the growth and healing continue.

So as this year nears its end, why not take some time to reflect on your achievements and plan the year ahead? Start by simply noting three points for each question below. It only takes a few minutes and the clarity gained will motivate you and raise your energy levels for 2012.
  • What have you achieved in 2011?
  • What do you still need to do this year?
  • What are your plans for 2012?
Write the answers in your journal or if you don't have one, this is a good time to start.

Much love and healing light/ ManiMfumu Michael

We do not recognize this as our New Year as nature is resting right now, and things become anew in the Spring here on Earth.  Yet we do see this as a Nu cycle and so we send positive healing, divine love, joy, harmony, abundance, prosperity and the sweetness of life to you all in 2011

The Universe is going thru a great shift right now as well as the New Year coming in.  This is a good time for self reflection and going within to reconnect, renew and strengthen the self in body, mind and Spirit.  As we are tune with nature in being quiet and still, we will discover a higher spiritual vibration and connection with the All.

We are offering New Year readings to assist you with:

 connecting with the highest aspect of yourselves
 getting messages from the other side
 confirming things that you need to focus or work on
 look at things that you need to release
 look at the energy that is around you and that may be coming to you
 answer questions you may have
 give guidance and direction on issues such health, job, relationships, etc

Special price for readings is only $31
this price is available through 2/13/11

What are our goals? do you feel that your goals are in grasp? We daydream about alot of things in life and mistake daydreams as goals. In life depending on where your at, you can reach for your truth. Yet your truth may not agree with your path n position you walk. ( Alignment into ones self and path ) will take you futher in elevation, no matter the physical or spiritual Mass. Give me some goals,ambitions,failures, that you have mistaking for Daydreams, also the daydreams that were messages to take you in the right direction, There is always a twist at times.           ManiMfumu Michael


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.

    View my profile on LinkedIn


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